Thursday, May 24, 2007

Nouvelle Star: Pierre's out :-(((((

Once upon a time, in a previous series of "Nouvelle Star", panellist Marianne James accused the French public of having s**t in their ears, when choosing to eliminate a talented contestant and, presumably, saving a dud one in the process.

May I then use the same expression tonight then, as I have just discovered that my favourite, and the most talented singer and performer in this year's competition, the divine Pierre Darmon, is out, and with him goes my interest in this competition. With Pierre, Raphaelle, Alex and Ilyes gone, Tigane is now the only remotely interesting and talented contestant left (although the fact that a non-white artist has never won this competition goes against him) - the less said the better about bland Julie and Gaetane, and don't even start me on Julien. Cult figure he may be, but a star he is definitely not.

If there is any consolation for Pierre and his fellow evictees, it's that the biggest star ever to emerge from this contest in its five year existence was a young woman who came third in season 2. Her name is Amel Bent, she enjoyed both commercial and critical success with her debut CD, and in the next few weeks she will release the long-awaited follow-up.

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