After the must-see TV of "Strictly Come Dancing" and "Any Dream Will Do", we needed some more TV shows to make staying in the new going out on a Saturday night.
Firstly, there has always been potential for a truly great music quiz on TV, particularly when it comes to lyrics. Sadly, "Sing It Back" (ITV) was not it. Despite daring to try out a new presentation option (Radio 1 DJs JK & Joel, in favour of the usual 4 prime-time presenters - you know who you are!) it remains a painfully dumbed-down effort which only ends up treating its contestants - and viewers - like imbeciles.
Tonight saw the beginning of "Dance X", eagerly awaited at EC HQ as we love dancing contests: however at the audition stage it resembled only a bad parody of X know....."This is all I've ever wanted"...."I want this so much"....sob sob....blah blah, pass the Kleenex. Even Queen of Mean herself Arlene Phillips blubbed! It was all such a big letdown and we didn't see much dancing either. Maybe it will be better when we get to the live shows - it's the tiresome "human stories" which are now part and parcel of the whole reality TV process that I'm soooooo bored with now.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Sing It Back is a poor excuse for a programme.It's just like an hour long pub-quiz round!