Saturday, October 20, 2007

Retro Saturday: Jesus Jones

To 1990 now and what I consider an underrated golden age of Brit(ish) pop which followed in the footsteps of the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays. Critics may have laughed at the 'baggy' trend but I thought there were a few good bands around at that time.

"Real Real Real" was arguably Jesus Jones' finest (and certainly most commercial) moment. By that time they had refined their sound which had become tight and funky and appealing. I also had a bit of a minor crush on Mike Edwards too, but I could never explain why, I just did.

They also had a hit with "Right Here Right Now" the lyrics of which described how the world was changing at the end of the 1980s.

I also liked "The Devil You Know" which was out a year or so later.

They never really troubled the charts in a big way after that. I bought their 'Best of' compilation maybe about 4 years ago and thought about them again tonight so that's why I thought they'd be worth a mention on my Saturday night retro.

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