Thursday, April 17, 2008

This weekend... a great Retro Saturday coming up. Usually I don't know what songs I'm picking till Saturday night, but there are a few obscure 80s songs which I'd forgotten all about until they popped into my mind tonight.

My weekly playlist is also going to have an oldies feel to it as I've not had much time to check out new music this week, but I'll try to get at least one overdue album review on here as well.

In between the never-ending task of converting all my videos to DVD of course :)
Anyway I've just discovered that I can connect a USB flash drive to the DVD recorder and hey presto, you get to see videos if they're in a compatible format. Needless to say, I have a few videos on my USB drive of a certain Swedish singer I'm obsessed with (clue: subject of my other blog!!) and now I can play these videos on my TV. It's all too much!!

Anyway, gotta go as it's another day in work/hell (delete as appropriate) tomorrow and I need to sleep. Goodnight y'all!


  1. Ooo, im jealous of your flash new DVD player. We made a DVD of lots of Chelsi video's once but it took ages, and was a big headache all round. So I know how happy you must be to have your favourite Swedish singer at your fingertips, or more precisely on your TV, hehe.

  2. At my fingertips...if only!!
    I guess the TV will have to do for now.

    Oh well I can dream can't I !!

