Tuesday, May 06, 2008

This weight loss thing...

...just ain't happening. I've gained 1lb this week :(

13 days to go till Riga and I feel like a female version of a Demis Roussos tribute act (if you're too young to remember him, ask your parents!!).

Where I live, our definition of summer is two dry days in a row. Therefore I am pleased to announce that summer has finally arrived, so I'll work off the flab in the garden tonight!!

Several hours later........

The garden at EuropeCrazy HQ has been overrun by dandelions. I'm sure they must have some redeeming features but right now, they're the most useless thing in the world. Remember when the Smash Hits Poll Winners' Party used to have an award for "most horrible thing", well, can I have a "most useless thing" category, and can dandelions be in it? And wasps?


  1. Dont even mention wasps - horrible things - I've had two fly round my head in the last 24hrs (not at the same time thankfully). I hate that noise.

    ON another note, glad you had a nice time in Dublin, and dont worry about the weight watching, its hard if you've been away for the weekend. Stick at it :)

  2. Thanks for your encouragement. It's certainly not easy...maybe I'll lose a few pounds running away from all those wasps!!! :)
