Sunday, July 27, 2008

Retro Saturday: Eg and Alice

Any Teletext fans out there? Channel 4 TV in the UK has a marvellous set of music pages called Planet Sound, updated daily, including a mailbox called The Void. Was reading it today and someone happened to mention Eg and Alice, from the early 1990s and I immediately thought it was time to do a post about them. I don't know too much about them, but I liked their music back in the day - well two songs anyway, "Indian" and this one, "Doesn't Mean That Much To Me":

This clip is from The Chart Show, a long lost treat from Saturday morning television....!

I don't really know what happened to them, apart from reading somewhere that Eg had become an in-demand songwriter and most notably had written Will Young's brilliant "Leave Right Now". He's also been involved with Will's new album, which will be released soon.

So I did a little Wikipedia search and found out that he was also involved in co-writing several other rather good songs too over recent years; particularly interested in reading he had co-written Sam Sparro's "Hot Mess" and Jack McManus' "You Think I Don't Care", both big favourites on this blog over the past year. A very talented and underrated songwriter you will agree...

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