Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chippy Chips!!!!!

Only six days to go till one of the best TV shows ever, "Harry Hill's TV Burp" returns to ITV.

I just had to celebrate this with some..."MEAT!!!!!"


  1. Aww,it's times like this I wish I wasn't in Germany- Stefan Raab on a Saturday night just isn't the same!

  2. Hopefully some lovely people will put clips on YouTube.

    Stefan Raab's still on? I remember seeing his chat show when I was on holiday in Germany in 2006 and 2007. Although I wasn't too excited by that, I could only think of him singing "Wadde Hadde Dudde Da". This was the man who wrote "Guildo Hat Euch Lieb" so I suppose a teeny weeny bit of respect is due. :)

    Do they also still have those pop shows on German telly with all these 60s/70s acts who come on and mime to their old hits? I used to watch a lot of these in the days before Sky Digital, when we had a good old Astra dish and you could get every German channel going (and a couple of Dutch ones too). Aah, memories!!
