Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Star Academy: Prime 4, 10.10.08

Not a full review, as I missed some of it.

Prime 4 kicked off with a Jenifer medley, with the guest of honour herself arriving in grand style.
Quentin & Roch Voisine & Garou: "La Dame de Haute-Savoie": this young man shines week after week on the prime, vocally he still reminds me of a young Florent Pagny. And Garou, well he’s still ol’ razorblade-tonsils. 15.

Top 10:

10- Julia
9 - Alice
8 - Maryline
7 - Edouard
6 - Anissa
5 - Quentin
4 - Mickels
3 - Solene
2 - Gautier
1 - Joanna

Anissa & Jenifer: "Comme Un Hic": I’ve made no secret of the fact I hate this song, but I can’t deny that Anissa did very well here and she is growing in confidence by the week. 15.3.

Quentin & Gautier: "Oh Les Filles": This was a fun number, the kind of thing which Star Ac always did quite well. 15.2 for Gautier here.

Then a bluesy number with Garou and one of those cringeworthy moments you get every series when Nikos sings.

Ana: "La Femme Chocolat" was ok but her days were numbered. 14.5.

Maryline & Jenifer: A rocked-up "J’Attends L’Amour" which, IMHO, didn’t work at all - from either of them.

Solene: "I’m So Excited": she’s got potential, but week after week her nerves let her down and she was off-key for half of this. 15.7 nevertheless!

Harold: "Lettre a France": it’s not up there with Nolwenn and Houcine’s version, but it erupted into a rather rocky, dramatic version, spoiled only by the major whiff of cheese when Mrs Harold arrived at the end to sing with him. 16.7.

Gautier & The Jonas Brothers: "SOS": Mass hysteria on a scale never seen before at Star Ac as "Les Jonas Brezzers" (thanks Nikos) took to the stage. It’s a bit of a family night as Gautier is joined by his sister.

Julia & Yael Naim: "New Soul": this was a very big hit in France last year. I still think Julia has nice stage presence and seemed quite at home on this, however those profs are doing their best to get her out. 13.3.

Alice & Edouard: "Parle A Ma Main": another lightweight throwaway number - it looks as if these two are being sidelined again. 13.7 for Alice.

Edouard & Roch Voisine: "City of New Orleans": Roch’s gone all ‘Americana’ on his new album. I thought Edouard sang rather nicely here: 15 for him.

Joanna & Jenifer: "Si C'est Une Ile": I like this song but I didn't think it worked here and don't really like the musical direction she's going in. Joanna of course is so far out in front she is lapping some of the other contestants, yet there is a voice inside my head telling me that she's not going to win this...

Yvane: the rebel was transformed into respectable balladeer for his nominees' song "J'te le dis quand même" and showed off a different side. 15.3.

Mickels & Garou: Didn't know the song, but it was a good enough duet as long as Garou kept his sandpapery vocals in check. Mickels is growing on me week by week, I'd say he is my favourite but I don't think he'll win. 15.2.

As I had previously predicted, Yvane "le terrible" (merci Nikos) was saved by the viewers, and following a very close, teary eviction vote which tied Ana and Harold, Yvane's powers of rebellion deserted him and he actually used his casting vote this time: when he saved Harold.

I feel quite sorry for Ana, as she was one of those contestants who was kept in the background and never really given a chance. But we know how these type of shows work by now, don't we?

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