Friday, January 23, 2009

Some stuff this weekend....

Been a bit busy over last few nights and the weekend is also going to be quite hectic so I'll just mention a few things:

I'll post a review of last night's Aftonbladet Rockbjornen awards ceremony which I watched live on the internet - what a rather fab show it was too, Ola and Amanda Jenssen were two of the big winners on the night. There was also a live appearance from a certain favourite singer of mine!

Celebrity Big Brother ends tonight. If I had my way, either Coolio or Verne would win but it's more likely to be Terry Christian as he fits the all-round nice bloke criteria which usually wins this type of show. As long as Ulrika or Ben don't win....

I'll catch up with Korslaget over the weekend. What a shocker last weekend as Robert Wells' team was evicted - they didn't deserve to go.

It's the first semi final of Norway's Melodi Grand Prix tomorrow night - this is always one of my favourite national finals and I'll be following it again this year. Haven't heard any of the songs yet though.

A great big YAY!!!!! as Sebastian Karlsson releases his long-awaited third album next week - "The Most Beautiful Lie". Tracks are being previewed at his MySpace and I'll catch up with these too.

Think that's about all for now :))

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