I got back last night but was extremely tired after the most exciting Saturday night of my life (and I was so excited after the show I didn't sleep at all) - not only did I get to see Salem Al Fakir in concert in Gothenburg....but my dream came true and I finally got to meet him too!!! Find the story so far at Planet Salem. I took a photo of him before the show and have also published it there. I'll continue to update that site tonight with my concert review, meanwhile I'm hoping to post the Gothenburg diary on here, along with my holiday playlist of songs I heard on the radio, over the next few days.
Time permitting I'll publish my "MZW" review pretty soon too - yes I bought this in Gothenburg along with my Melodifestivalen 2009 DVD. Sadly there was no more room in my overpacked hand luggage for any more goodies :( anyway it's been a bumper time for Swedish CD purchases in recent weeks so I guess it's about time I gave it a rest, ha ha.
It was the most perfect weekend ever: everything went to plan from start to finish, all the arrangements were perfect and the sun shone from beginning to end. I'll write more on here about it soon.
I sneaked in a quick look at Planet Salem at work today- I'm so excited for you! That cheered me up in an otherwise boring,uneventful day in the office.Oh,and I love Salem's signature too,very arty :)