Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm back, y'all.....!

...and two days ahead of schedule too!

Yes I've missed blogging on here (although Planet Salem has maintained reasonably normal service!) anyway I've just been "spring cleaning" (ok then, "summer cleaning") at EuropeCrazy HQ, along with working my way through my backlog of CDs and DVDs - only to buy some more last weekend, I guess I'll never learn....!

So there are several album reviews, chart updates and random other things on the way, but it's that night of the week again so let's get Retro Saturday under way once more.


  1. You're back! Hurrah! I've missed you, and been feeling really fed up/homesick for the last 24 hours, so this has cheered me up no end :)

  2. Thanks! Glad to have cheered you up too - hope you're feeling a bit happier today. :))

    The joys of housework/gardening/cleaning/decorating are no substitute for the joys of blogging!!
