Thursday, September 09, 2010

Intermission....and holiday!

Regular readers of this blog will know that I haven't been posting as much on here, and unfortunately that's set to continue for a little while so please bear with me. It's a very, very busy time at the moment - having a new central heating system installed, and then I'm off on holiday!

Yes! It's that time again...on Monday I'll be heading off to Turkey - along with faithful travelling companion - for our second annual summer holiday there. Can't believe it's been a year since our first visit to Turkey and we hope that this holiday will be as fun and memorable as that last one. Hopefully I'll be home with some new Turkish music among my many purchases!

All things being well, this blog should return on the evening of 21st September. If there's any important news I've missed when I'm away (I won't be near the internet during that week) please get in touch and leave your comments and I'll get back to you on my return.

This blog will be back in action for the last week of September but will then be taking a break for most of the month of October - although there will be the occasional post, but there's lots of things I'll need to catch up on outside of blog-land so I've made the decision to have another blog break. (I will still be reading all my favourite blogs though!)

See you later in September......!


  1. Have a lovely time! I hope you enjoy it as much as the last time, and that its not too hot for you. Enjoy your blog break too, but please come back in time for your christmas countdown :)
    (gah, the dreaded C-word!)

  2. Hope this break will give you good rest and Turkish journey will be amazing, come back with new forces and impressions, we'll be waiting for you ;)

  3. Well if I don't see you around on Twitter this weekend,have fun.And bring us back lots of pictures- Turkey's so pretty :)

  4. Keira....hello again! Long time no hear, great to have you back - hope everything's ok with you at the moment. Checked the weather forecast and it seems to be a few degrees down on last year so the heat should be a bit more bearable, fingers crossed.

    I'll try and keep the blog break as short as I can, but you know I just can't keep away, and there will still be the odd post! And yes, the countdown will be back, and despite this being one of the worst years for music that I can remember, I've still managed to put a great list together so far, dominated by one particular Swedish musical genius of course - don't expect anyone else at the top of the chart!!

    The C-word....there was a big sign in Cash Generator's window the other day which said "16 weeks till Christmas". Aargh! I've still to go on summer holiday and get my birthday out of the way before all that!!

    Damian - thanks! Of course I'll have some stories to pass on, it should be fun. And hopefully relaxing too, as I've had a really stressful time lately.

    Rachel - Bodrum looks very scenic, and of course, there will be pictures. As many as I can fit on the blog :))))
