Monday, October 04, 2010

The Turkey Diaries - Day 6: Sunday 19th September 2010

The day doesn't start so well, as the combination of heat and revellers wakes me at 5.15 am. This. Is. Not. Good. Happily it gets better!

Today, in true Sunday style, is all about taking things at a very slow pace indeed, as the temperature climbs yet again to over 40 degrees. So it's apple tea, and leisurely shopping - I finally get that Mor ve Ötesi CD which I've been promising myself all week (and which hasn't been off my CD player in the last 2 weeks) and the latest Power Turk CD compilation. We also buy souvenirs and postcards and decide to venture outside of town to Bodrum's take on the shopping mall concept - Oasis.

Oasis, which is between Bodrum and nearby Gumbet, is not really like a traditional shopping mall as most of it's in the open air, but luckily there are enough seats and shady spots to cool down in. They also have a very classy food court where we have a very Turkish lunch - pide, Efes, Turkish coffee, and baklava. I didn't take many photos today, and I'm only going to publish one of them here, but it's one that really matters. Baklava!!

We hang out in Oasis for a while before getting a taxi back into town, and inevitably end up at the Mariners cafe where I inevitably have my daily, chilled, fresh orange juice. Lovely.

Before going out in the evening, it's time for faithful travelling companion to have his second Turkish shave of the holiday. Owwww!

We have a lovely meal tonight, just off the beachfront, and then it's time to hit the buzzing nightlife of Bodrum once again. There is one little backstreet, just off Bar Street, which is full of little bars and restaurants and we ended up there again tonight. (sorry I can't remember the name of the street, but if I remember, then I'll publish it!). It may be Sunday night, but every night in Bodrum is like a Friday/Saturday night! In the now classic 'last full night of our holiday' tradition, we both get very merry, stay out very late, and wallow in the deadly combination of live Turkish music and....raki :))))

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