So here we are, it seems no time since the search for Joseph was just beginning and now it is at an end.
Firstly, king of the bottom 2 and blub-meister Lewis coming over all Tom Jones with "Kiss". With all the hotness of a fish on a slab of ice in a fishmonger's. Nana Jean - check. He gave it his all, but we at EC HQ can only think what might have been, and that Daniel (and indeed lovely young Ben) should have been here tonight. Cue self-belief speech from Lewis (ewwwwwww).
John Barrowman: "Showman, showman, showman!"
Bill "Journey" Kenwright: "He's had more criticism than anyone else blah blah....you're a winner and you're a man" (EH?????)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: "Lewis could be Joseph" followed by some guff about having the best journey of anyone on the show. For a minute ALW is possessed by the spirit of Bill Kenwright.
Keith (Teeth)
Toothsome Tesco Boy (loved the Grey's Anatomy-style description of him as McCheckout on another well-visited website) tackled soul classic "For Once In My Life" and got all the theatrical bits right. An assured and confident performance.
Zoe Tyler: "Voice of Joseph. Knocked me for six"
Denise Van Outen: "From superstore to superstar". (eh????)
ALW: "Could be Joseph...so could Lewis" (oh you fence sitter you)
You've seen the boys, now here is THE MAN!!!!
"Devil in Disguise" is a very strange choice for the final, but Lee being Lee takes it in his stride, as ever. He is far too good for this you know.
John Barrowman: "A lead in disguise. The quintessential leading man!!" (We so love you JB!!!)
Zoe Tyler: "I've been tough on you. You look like an angel. You sing like an angel...stunning!" (OK ZT, it's been a long time coming but we forgive you)
ALW: "Terrific" (after he dwelt needlessly on a dropped note)
Big Band Songs
Lewis: "Beyond The Sea": Quelle fromage. Tedious version of a great song. Oh and....Nana Jean - Check.
Zoe's doing a Bill and going on about his journey blah blah. ALW gets in on the journey thing but do we sense doubts about his age??
Keith: "Moondance": Very good performance with, again, good stage presence. Nice suit - but he is still too young!
JB is waving his hands and shouting Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! You're a leading man. (Er....is that not Mr Mead?)
ALW: Fantastic voice...not a natural dancer....ramble ramble.
Lee: "New York New York" START SPREADING THE NEWS!!!! He runs up the stairs! Big finale! Big showstopping finale!! It's all too much and I need revived!!
BK: "You are not an understudy...you're a star - a West End leading man"
ZT: "Amazing"
ALW: "Fantastic performance. Phenomenal. Got everything".
Lee, Lewis & Keith: "Maria". At last some musical theatre. Lee is looking all intense and at his brooding best.
Connie Fisher: "The Sound of Music": Last year's winner. Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be Julie Andrews.
Lee is through to the final 2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
Lewis is OUT!!
The Teeth is through!!
Close every door to......Lewis: he blubs, a lot, and wobbled vocally at the end. Aw. Go running into the arms of Nana Jean why don't you.
Part 2
Their best bits....
"Always On My Mind" - Keith: The toothsome one does a nice version of this. That's all. Credit where it's due though, he did deserve to reach the final.
"Paint It Black" - Lee: ooooooooohhh!!! Intense Lee! Just the way we love him! Utterly brilliant!!!! I am now ready to spontaneously combust, such is my uncontrollable love for this man!!!!
The Josephs: "The Boys Are Back In Town": Nice to see them all back again, especially (of course) Ben and Daniel!!!!
The final song: "Jesus Christ Superstar" - Keith and Lee
Lee is in a red T-shirt - enough said!!
Great stuff.
This is the best reality show final since Will vs Gareth in Pop Idol.
Result: 3 million votes cast........LEE IS JOSEPH!!
So Lee Mead, the understudy from Essex, whom we at EuropeCrazy have supported almost since the beginning of "Any Dream Will Do", wins the coveted role of Joseph in the West End, and it will surely will be a springboard to much better things. We certainly haven't seen or heard the last of this talented young man who has made Saturday nights worth staying in for over the last few weeks.
Firstly, king of the bottom 2 and blub-meister Lewis coming over all Tom Jones with "Kiss". With all the hotness of a fish on a slab of ice in a fishmonger's. Nana Jean - check. He gave it his all, but we at EC HQ can only think what might have been, and that Daniel (and indeed lovely young Ben) should have been here tonight. Cue self-belief speech from Lewis (ewwwwwww).
John Barrowman: "Showman, showman, showman!"
Bill "Journey" Kenwright: "He's had more criticism than anyone else blah blah....you're a winner and you're a man" (EH?????)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: "Lewis could be Joseph" followed by some guff about having the best journey of anyone on the show. For a minute ALW is possessed by the spirit of Bill Kenwright.
Keith (Teeth)
Toothsome Tesco Boy (loved the Grey's Anatomy-style description of him as McCheckout on another well-visited website) tackled soul classic "For Once In My Life" and got all the theatrical bits right. An assured and confident performance.
Zoe Tyler: "Voice of Joseph. Knocked me for six"
Denise Van Outen: "From superstore to superstar". (eh????)
ALW: "Could be Joseph...so could Lewis" (oh you fence sitter you)
You've seen the boys, now here is THE MAN!!!!
"Devil in Disguise" is a very strange choice for the final, but Lee being Lee takes it in his stride, as ever. He is far too good for this you know.
John Barrowman: "A lead in disguise. The quintessential leading man!!" (We so love you JB!!!)
Zoe Tyler: "I've been tough on you. You look like an angel. You sing like an angel...stunning!" (OK ZT, it's been a long time coming but we forgive you)
ALW: "Terrific" (after he dwelt needlessly on a dropped note)
Big Band Songs
Lewis: "Beyond The Sea": Quelle fromage. Tedious version of a great song. Oh and....Nana Jean - Check.
Zoe's doing a Bill and going on about his journey blah blah. ALW gets in on the journey thing but do we sense doubts about his age??
Keith: "Moondance": Very good performance with, again, good stage presence. Nice suit - but he is still too young!
JB is waving his hands and shouting Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! You're a leading man. (Er....is that not Mr Mead?)
ALW: Fantastic voice...not a natural dancer....ramble ramble.
Lee: "New York New York" START SPREADING THE NEWS!!!! He runs up the stairs! Big finale! Big showstopping finale!! It's all too much and I need revived!!
BK: "You are not an understudy...you're a star - a West End leading man"
ZT: "Amazing"
ALW: "Fantastic performance. Phenomenal. Got everything".
Lee, Lewis & Keith: "Maria". At last some musical theatre. Lee is looking all intense and at his brooding best.
Connie Fisher: "The Sound of Music": Last year's winner. Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be Julie Andrews.
Lee is through to the final 2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
Lewis is OUT!!
The Teeth is through!!
Close every door to......Lewis: he blubs, a lot, and wobbled vocally at the end. Aw. Go running into the arms of Nana Jean why don't you.
Part 2
Their best bits....
"Always On My Mind" - Keith: The toothsome one does a nice version of this. That's all. Credit where it's due though, he did deserve to reach the final.
"Paint It Black" - Lee: ooooooooohhh!!! Intense Lee! Just the way we love him! Utterly brilliant!!!! I am now ready to spontaneously combust, such is my uncontrollable love for this man!!!!
The Josephs: "The Boys Are Back In Town": Nice to see them all back again, especially (of course) Ben and Daniel!!!!
The final song: "Jesus Christ Superstar" - Keith and Lee
Lee is in a red T-shirt - enough said!!
Great stuff.
This is the best reality show final since Will vs Gareth in Pop Idol.
Result: 3 million votes cast........LEE IS JOSEPH!!
So Lee Mead, the understudy from Essex, whom we at EuropeCrazy have supported almost since the beginning of "Any Dream Will Do", wins the coveted role of Joseph in the West End, and it will surely will be a springboard to much better things. We certainly haven't seen or heard the last of this talented young man who has made Saturday nights worth staying in for over the last few weeks.
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