Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tonight... the immortal words of the great philosophers Steps, "better best forgotten".

Computer hell and Måns/Alcazar/E.M.D. not winning MF: there have been better Saturday nights. **Plays "Hope and Glory"/"Stay The Night"/"Baby Goodbye"on repeat in attempt to console oneself**

Final result of the public vote:
1. Malena Ernman 18% 322 657
2. Caroline af Ugglas 18% 318 952
3. E.M.D. 13% 231 098
4. Alcazar 11% 199 014
5. Måns Zelmerlow 10% 182 651
6. H.E.A.T. 10% 178 283
7. Sarah Dawn Finer 8% 146 300
8. Molly Sanden 3% 51 467
9. Agnes Karlsson 3% 49 819
10. Emilia Rydberg 3% 48 844
11. Sofia Berntson 1% 19 885

(Stats courtesy of

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