This week's top 5:
1. Bertrand 2. Maureen 3. Pierre 4. Quentin 5. Jeremy
Well who would have thought! Bertrand at the top this week! He was rewarded with a duet with Johnny Hallyday - "Gabrielle" and managed to do quite well.

"La Vie en Rose" - Pierre & Maureen: I still don't get Pierre, although Maureen (pictured above) is a real standout talent and I haven't really had this kind of buzz about any of the female contestants since Nolwenn Leroy, and look how well she did....
"Amazing" - Seal & Claudia: didn't quite live up to its name but I still quite like her. Don't think she'll be around much longer though.
"Monsoon" - Tokio Hotel & Jeremy: was too busy admiring Bill's eye make-up and black nail polish to really concentrate on Jeremy, but this was rather good.
"Face a la Mer" - Sevan & Antoine: Brave doing this one with Passi on the professional jury, but they did it well enough.
"L.O.V.E." - Joss Stone & Maureen: didn't think much of the song, and it was all a bit style over substance but Maureen is a star.
"Garcon" - Koxie & Eva: Arguably France's most popular song of 2007, but too much of a silly novelty to judge Eva's talent.
"Le Heros d'un Autre" - Victoria Petrosillo & Alexia: again a good solid showing from Alexia but not much of a song to judge anyone on.

"Vivre Pour Le Meilleur" - Alexia & Noemie: Staged just like last year's "L'Envie" Alexia (pictured above) for me gave the performance of the night, and Noemie appears to have undergone a transformation....but the jury didn't like it.

"Crazy" - Seal & Quentin (pictured above): duet spoiled by the fact that Seal didn't give Quentin enough of it to sing.
Nominees' songs:
"Tant Pis" - Mathieu: I don't know why he's always nominated. This was quite nice.
"Si J'etais Un Homme" - Claire-Marie: the problem with C-M is that her voice is not her own, it's France Gall's, nice as that may be.
"Mon Frere" - Dojima: nervous and unconvincing.
Result: Mathieu saved again by the viewers, with Dojima being sent home by the jury.
1. Bertrand 2. Maureen 3. Pierre 4. Quentin 5. Jeremy
Well who would have thought! Bertrand at the top this week! He was rewarded with a duet with Johnny Hallyday - "Gabrielle" and managed to do quite well.

"La Vie en Rose" - Pierre & Maureen: I still don't get Pierre, although Maureen (pictured above) is a real standout talent and I haven't really had this kind of buzz about any of the female contestants since Nolwenn Leroy, and look how well she did....
"Amazing" - Seal & Claudia: didn't quite live up to its name but I still quite like her. Don't think she'll be around much longer though.
"Monsoon" - Tokio Hotel & Jeremy: was too busy admiring Bill's eye make-up and black nail polish to really concentrate on Jeremy, but this was rather good.
"Face a la Mer" - Sevan & Antoine: Brave doing this one with Passi on the professional jury, but they did it well enough.
"L.O.V.E." - Joss Stone & Maureen: didn't think much of the song, and it was all a bit style over substance but Maureen is a star.
"Garcon" - Koxie & Eva: Arguably France's most popular song of 2007, but too much of a silly novelty to judge Eva's talent.
"Le Heros d'un Autre" - Victoria Petrosillo & Alexia: again a good solid showing from Alexia but not much of a song to judge anyone on.

"Vivre Pour Le Meilleur" - Alexia & Noemie: Staged just like last year's "L'Envie" Alexia (pictured above) for me gave the performance of the night, and Noemie appears to have undergone a transformation....but the jury didn't like it.

"Crazy" - Seal & Quentin (pictured above): duet spoiled by the fact that Seal didn't give Quentin enough of it to sing.
Nominees' songs:
"Tant Pis" - Mathieu: I don't know why he's always nominated. This was quite nice.
"Si J'etais Un Homme" - Claire-Marie: the problem with C-M is that her voice is not her own, it's France Gall's, nice as that may be.
"Mon Frere" - Dojima: nervous and unconvincing.
Result: Mathieu saved again by the viewers, with Dojima being sent home by the jury.
I so hope Maureen doesn't threaten to leave again! She and Quentin are my favourites but I also like Alexia and Claudia.
Totally agree - Maureen, Quentin, Alexia and Claudia are my faves as well. Glad to see you're still following the show.
I'm only just watching the show now (God bless the person who uploads the whole show on
They were so mean to Alexia and Noemie! I thought they were amazing!
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