Fatal Bazooka still no.1 with "Parle a Ma Main". Youn? Yawn.
Since my last French charts update, many moons ago, France has been taken over by tektonik mania. Basically a kind of techno/dance music with its own little dance craze with lots of hand movements. Very lazy street dancing as the arms/hands seem to do more than the feet!! (Check out YouTube for some varying demonstrations). Could this be the next big thing across Europe?

Mondotek's "Alive" is the biggest of the tektonik hits at no. 2 this week (this is the backing music to the week's top 5 on Star Academy) whilst rival track "Sucker" by Dim Chris is no. 5. There is even a tektonik remix of Yelle's "A Cause des Garcons". Oh well, anything's better than the last French craze - kiddie pop!

Highest new entry this week was "Plus La" by Frederic Lerner, a big old fashioned French chanson ballad. I used to like Frederic but prefer him in more uptempo mode and don't really like this song much.
"New Soul" by Yael Naim is in the same musical vein as Feist and this has also seemingly been used in an Apple ad.
The ever popular Tokio Hotel are also in the top 5 with "An Deiner Seite (Ich Bin Da)" whilst Lorie's "Je Vais Vite", Sheryfa Luna's "Quelque Part", Jenifer's "Tourner Ma Page" and Alicia Keys' "No One" make up the rest of this week's top 10.
They do like a lot of this weird blippy dance music in France... they played it all the time when I was over there and it kinda drove me mad. But I suppose as you say it is better than kiddy crap.
I did buy Pakito's album though - amazing. Should have been big here.
and thanks for pointing out that song from the Star Ac top 5 - have wondered whether it was a released song for weeks! It's not as good in full tho
What is Pakito's album actually called? I thought I'd be able to walk into a shop in the UK and just buy it but apparently not!
Thank you.
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